You can check the status of your order directly in the Hive App.
To find out when the order will be processed:
- Open the order in the Hive App.
- Scroll down on the Shipment timeline.
- Look for the "Expected to be fulfilled" date: This date indicates when we will finish packing your order.
This date is calculated by applying our standard processing times for B2B orders, which is 48 business hours (2 business days) from the moment it is created or syncs to the Hive App.
⚠️ However, you need to take the following points into account:
- The cut-off time: if the order is placed after the cut-off time, the standard processing time will start counting the following business day.
- Issues: if the order has any issues when it’s created, such as "Out of stock", "Address validation", or "Customs information missing", we will not be able to process it until the issues are resolved. Once the issues are resolved, the standard processing times start counting. In this case, the "Expected to be fulfilled" date will not show on the History timeline of the order.
- Extra tasks: if the order has any extra tasks like SKU barcode labeling then the order will be processed within 5 business days from the moment it is created or syncs to the Hive App.