We strive to fulfill orders as quickly as possible with 100% accuracy, but we occasionally make mistakes.
If we shipped the wrong items or if one or more items seem to be missing from an order, please ask the customer to take a photo of the following:
- the shipping label,
- the outer packaging,
- the inner packaging (including the items received and the packing material used).
Once you have received these photos, please send them to us along with details of what exactly is missing or incorrect.
If the customer flagged that the outer packaging looks damaged or repacked by the carrier, please send us a copy of the order's invoice. This is a requirement in case we need to file an official carrier claim.
***DHL Warenpost (Economy & Premium) offers limited tracking capabilities and does not include liability for damage, including wrong and missing items. For this reason, we cannot start an investigation.
All cases of wrong or missing items must be communicated to us within 4 business days of the delivery date, otherwise the carrier will not accept the claim.
Once we received the above information, we will file a claim that will be visible to you on the Hive app, in the dedicated Claims section. During this time, we use the photos to determine the cause of the issue and provide feedback where possible.
If we determine that there might have been a mistake during the fulfillment of the order, we will proceed to accept the claim and approve a €10 Hive Order Compensation that will be reflected on your next invoice.